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  • Writer's picturePain Amvs

Fun Facts Random fun facts that are truly amazing, very weird, sometimes crazy, very unusual and ext

2. The struggle is real for the ferret – if a female ferret in heat doesn’t find a mate, she can die.

3. A sloth takes 2 weeks to digest the food he’s eaten. 4. In the USA, there are more Chinese restaurants than all the McDonald’s, KFCs, Burger Kings and Wendy’s put together.5. If you kept yelling for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would produce enough sound energy to heat up a cup of tea.6. There are approximately 100,000 hairs on an average human head.7. At any given moment, about 0.7% of the people in the world are drunk.

8. In 2001, a seven foot bull shark bit off a boy’s arm. His uncle not only saved the boy, but dived in after the shark, wrestled it to shore where the shark was shot, retrieved the boy’s arm and it was sewn back on in the hospital. More jokes at:

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