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Best Chromebooks 2017 UK: What is a Chromebook? Should I buy a Chromebook?

Chromebooks are laptops with a difference: they run Google's Chrome OS instead of Windows or OS X. Prices range from under £200 to over £100. Here we review the best Chromebooks you can buy in the UK in 2017.

What is a Chromebook?

A Chromebook is a laptop that runs Google’s Chrome operating system (ChromeOS). It offers pretty much the same experience as using the popular Chrome web browser, which you might well already use on a Windows PC or laptop, but with a few extra features added to the mix.

An internet connection is central to how a Chromebook functions. Nearly all its apps and services are online and don’t run locally. There are a few exceptions to this, with Google’s own Document and Spreadsheet apps capable of working offline and then seamlessly syncing any work you’ve done to the cloud once you’re back on Wi-Fi.

This simplicity allows Chromebooks to use less powerful hardware than many Windows laptops, without it affecting the overall performance. You won’t find capacious hard drives, high-end processors or large 15.6in screens on Chromebooks. Instead, Google offers 100GB of online storage with every machine, mobile processors are the order of the day (negating the need for noisy fans), and the usual screen size is around the 11.6in. One of the most notable benefits of such modest accoutrements is that prices for Chromebooks tend to be below £300, with many selling for nearer £200.

There are many similarities across the available models, with a generally standard keyboard layout and screen resolution, and fast bootup times, but those with specific needs should still be able find a machine to suit them.

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